Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

Don’t want a Professional Planner?

Don’t want a Professional Planner?

You can call on friends, colleagues and, especially, family to help
you with advice and also the leg-work involved in checking on
venues and suppliers.

Many people will also have contacts that may be able and willing to
supply some services for your wedding. At the very least, their
feedback about suppliers they have used could save you a lot of leg
work and time.


There are many commercial photographers to choose from when
looking for someone to take photos or a video of your wedding and
reception. It’s a very competitive market but price is just one
important factor you have to consider.

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You need to look past the specially chosen pictures that thephotographer puts on his brochure or website. The best idea is to ask to see a full set of proofs from one of the weddings which he

Ask for references and check through your own friends about their
recommendations. Be prepared for some horror stories and some
glowing testimonials.

Make sure that the photographer whose pictures you’ve seen is
actually the one who will be at your wedding. But, if it’s a one
person business, ensure that they have someone with similar
abilities who is able to step in if they are not available at short

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As with each of the other suppliers, you must expect to pay for any
additional services or features.

Make sure you have the cost for the whole package, including
albums, in writing before signing the contract. At that point, you are
legally committed and any additions or changes could be very

Most photographers will proudly display their membership
certificates for the appropriate professional associations. But, a
photographer may still produce work of a very high standard and
not be a member of any association. And, membership or even
having won awards, is no guarantee of a good result – check their
recent work.

Don’t expect “Hollywood” standard results. Those pictures are
produced by experts with a supporting team of qualified
professionals and in highly controlled environments. One picture
might take an hour to set up and then undergo significant
retouching later on.

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